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Durable Medical Equipment Provider

Glorious Medical Equipment in Fredericksburg, Texas is your go-to provider for all your DME (Durable Medical Equipment) needs. From basic items to more specific products, we have you covered. Get in touch with our team today for more information.

Our Mission Statement

Our mission statement is that we remain committed to maintaining a close relationship with the medical community. We are an ongoing source of information for physicians, case managers, discharge planners, clinicians, and office personnel. We work with the medical community to ensure that orders are followed and the patients benefit from our combined expertise. Patients benefit from our exceptional customer service.

Our knowledgeable staff assists patients in understanding Medicare, Medicaid, CHIPS, managed care, and private insurance coverage. Keeping pace with the changes in healthcare is and can be difficult. We are and will remain committed to keeping pace with the everyday changing guidelines. We are committed to providing personalized service. Please be completely aware that our facility is a retailed based durable medical equipment supplier.

We plan to offer years of experience which ensures patients they are getting the best possible service for their medical equipment needs. We are dedicated to providing the highest quality of service and supplies to our customers.

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